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Frequently Asked Questions

Get Involved
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We are always looking for volunteers and new ways to partner with other community organizations. If you are interested in finding a way to become involved in our mission, let us know! Use the contact form above or send an email to

Become a Mentor
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Our Battier Guide Program achieves success through the commitment of dedicated mentors. For more information on becoming a Take Charge mentor, please use the contact form above or email us at

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We are only able to accomplish our mission thanks to your generous support. Your donations help send outstanding future leaders to college! If you wish to donate, please click here to visit our Donate page. The Battier Take Charge Foundation is a 501( c) 3 foundation and all donations are tax deductible.

Booking Shane as a Speaker
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Shane is proud to be part of the esteemed Washington Speakers Bureau. For information about having Shane speak to your organization, please visit his speaker profile and click on “Request Availability.”

Autographs and Personal Requests
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We are incredibly thankful that Shane has so many fans who have been willing to support Take Charge. However, we have a small staff who are dedicated to fulfilling our mission of providing deserving students with quality educational opportunities. Please don’t contact us for autographs, personal requests to meet or interview Shane, to have him appear at an event or on a podcast, etc. We just don’t have the capacity to handle any requests unrelated to our educational programs. Thank you for understanding.

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While the Battier Take Charge Foundation has received tremendous support from Shane’s teams over the years, the Foundation is not affiliated with any team, and thus we are not able to provide tickets to basketball (or any other) games.

Other Requests
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The Take Charge Foundation has partnered with organizations in Detroit, Houston and Miami, through which they identify worthy candidates who then go through an application and interview process before being selected as scholarship recipients. We are always trying to grow and expand our reach, and know that there are thousands of deserving students across the country, but these are the only scholarships we are able to offer at this time. We cannot consider any additional requests seeking funds from the Foundation.